Friday, July 18, 2014

We passed our test!!!

...the perk test... or more professionally, soil analysis test for our septic system permit.  We didn't hit "good" soil until 45" so our leach field will be deeper than normal.  The best news is that we don't have to remove any apple trees.  It will be close to our best producing apple tree since we went with 3 x 80' trenches.  I wish I knew a bit more about the other options for septic layout before getting the test. Our tester gave us several options that we could have gone with but the bottom line, we got a normal, most common (read that as "cheap"), septic system layout.
The tank itself can be as close as 10' from the house but since that is contained, they only worry about the distribution field (I call it the leach field).   We have plenty of space, so it wasn't a problem but there were a couple of options that could have been better for not much more money. We had to pick at that minute, so went with his recommendation.

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