Sunday, November 1, 2015

Good, Bad and Ugly...

So there were a few things about the manufactured home route that wasn't the greatest.  BUT to be fair, you could have had as many problems with a stick built house.  The one thing I liked the most was being set up in one day and able to lock the doors.

If we were able to see and be at the site everyday or every other day.  I think I would rather go with stick built and watch how it was built.  With only able to get up every 2 weeks, it was nice to know the place was secure.

So with the manufactured home, the nailing down of the flooring, looks like they missed every other nail going into the sub-floor.  Hundreds of nails missing the target.  They could do better on quality control.  I think the only reason we don't  have squeaky floors is that I believe they glue it down also.

The cabinets and the hot water heater seem to fine / good quality.  Every thing else was pretty cheap.  Dishwasher is the worst, bathroom fans close behind, the sheet-rock went through hell and it looks it... it all works as it should, just not quality stuff.

One thing that did bother me was the "sealing" around openings like bathroom fans.  Pathetic at best, why only do part of it?  Again, a stick builder can screw up as well.  I feel sorry for people who just move in and not take the time to check it all over.

The joint between the two halves of the house in the attic...  was wide open,  I could see down to the basement.   A couple cans of foam spray to close that massive gap (1/2").  They bolt the bottom up tight but not the attic seam.  Dumb if you ask me. 

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