Saturday, May 30, 2015

Third week's the charm...

YEA!  We have our CO  (certificate of occupancy) from the county.  Builder says he is all done (and wants his money...)  I'm thinking of sending it to him slowly, say, $100 / day until he's paid off. 

Joking aside, he was a really good builder.  I've learned one thing, NEVER say that you are not in a rush to a builder.  The good ones are normally slower because they are busy.  You telling them that you are not in a rush...  really slows down the house building.

Would I change anything?  Nope, I liked the fact that I was able to see the "in-between times" of the different stages of building.  I would have liked to see more speed the closer it was to being finished - but that's that.

Last time up, the rock wall behind the wood stove was done.  They patched a ton more drywall (the wall looked fine to me except 1 or 2 spots), but over all, not much was done...

Crazy busy at work, trying to finish planting my research plots so I'm working all this weekend, so he will just have to wait for us to come up next next week...

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