Sunday, May 17, 2015

Final Inspection coming this week... Take two!

Wow, one crazy weekend...  "!#%@& cows" would sum it up.  I didn't secure the gate to a neighbors property properly and the cows got in.  Another neighbor's cows been getting on to our land and leaving patties...  Barley LOVES fresh patties.  We do not... thus, impromptu dog wash.

Progress yes but as usual, it's slow.  Went through the house with the builder and did our punch list... surprised him with a couple items.

Personally, I can not see the final inspection happening this week but we're within a week or two.  Was hoping to be done before memorial weekend...  but what the hell.

Connecting deck from front porch to side deck.

Above is the Grilling deck, outside the kitchen/dining room.

Front porch, hoping to raise up the surrounded dirt to walk out on a patio.
Under half still needs to be closed off.

Barley on the look out for more cow patties!!!

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