Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Coming up on an anniversary...

...and it's not a good one.  2 years ago we officially started "building".  We had another blog that I killed once our old builder went bankrupt.  Ironically, we said back then that we were not in a hurry...  That would be funny if it hadn't taken 2+ years.

Anyway, we just picked out a wood stove that we liked, Buck Stove, built in NC.  Looking at stone for the wall behind the wood stove...  would prefer real stone vs. the cultured stone.  Still looking but leaning towards Ancient Villa Ledgestone.

The new builder wasn't happy after installing our pre-finished hardwood floors.  I never did get exactly why he didn't like them.  He got the factory to come out and sand 1/32" down then re-stain and coat them in place.  I could feel some boards were thicker and I guess they would have worn out faster.  The floors look great and they did an awesome job.

I wired in four LED lights and an outlet in the basement.  Looking forward to finishing off the rest of the basement but that's low on the "to do" list... we have several other projects to finish first.

So this is what still needs to be done inside upstairs:  Major "touch-up" Paint.  Ceiling fans hung.  Mount toilets.  Wood Stove / pipe / stone wall,  Final clean up and touch up stuff.

Basement needs:  Electric to hot water.  Electric to the north side of the house hooked up. final connection to the water system.  One floor joist to be repaired.

Outside needs: Front deck and porch.  Side deck and roof trusses set. Hardi plank siding hung.  Landscaping....

Thinking we got another year (at the rate we are going...)  pretty sure, we'll start making noise to be finished by June 20th (which will be our 1 year anniversary with the new builder!!!)

(you can add comments, plus our "spam" e-mail account is listed at the bottom.)

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